In this topic, we are going create an EMR Cluster
- To create a cluster, we require Key Pair, S3 bucket, then create a cluster.
- Goto EMR –> Create Cluster –> Quick options.
- Give the cluster name
- In General Configuration, enable logging. In test mode, it is not required.
- There are two launch modes – Cluster and Step execution.
- Cluster mode – When an enterprise wants to create a cluster and process data, submitting multiple jobs over a period of time like 2 days or week.
- In Step execution – When we need a cluster for a specific task every day or every week and then terminate the cluster.
- In Software configuration,
- Select the release depends on the application.
- Select the applications, depends on the requirement. Four types are available – Core Hadoop, Hbase, Presto and Spark.
- In Hardware configuration
- Choose instance type and the number of instances.
- In Security access
- choose the key pair, rest all default
- Click on create a cluster.