Review Properties – HDFS Namenode HA

Now let us review core-site.xml and hdfs-site.xml properties to understand how configurations are defined.

  • In core-site.xml, fs.defaultFS will be pointing to nameservice1 instead of static IP address and port number (e.g.: hdfs://nameservice1)
  • In hdfs-site.xml we will see new property by name dfs.nameservices and value nameservice1
  • For both Namenodes, we will have logical name defined under property called dfs.ha.namenodes.nameservice1
  • All the properties in hdfs-site.xml which are pointing to IP address and port numbers for Namenode will now be replaced with logical name of each of the Namenode.
  • We will review the properties directly as the logical names of Namenodes might be different on different environments.

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