In this topic, we will explore Scala.
What is Scala?
- Scala is JVM based functional programming language.
Why Scala?
- Even though Scala is there for more than a decade (founded in 2000), it has gained a lot of momentum with Spark.
- Spark is completely developed using Scala
- On top of Spark (used for data processing), Scala also have frameworks such as Play to develop web applications
Setting up Scala on your local machine
- For Mac users – Download and install using tarball. Set PATH to the bin directory
- Windows – Download and Install using MSI
- If you have the subscription to itversity labs then Scala is pre-installed in it
- For building projects, better to install IDE’s such as IntelliJ IDE or Eclipse with Scala plugin
- For Certification point of view practice using REPL
- REPL – Read, Evaluate, Print and Loop
- Use scala command to launch REPL
- :quit to come out
- Ctrl+l to clear the screen
- We can get the help using :help command
- Use up arrow to see the history also :history to check the previous commands