
Section 8:82.Created Bucketed Tables – Orders_buck and Order_item_buck

Bucketing is a technique used in Apache Hive to optimize the performance of certain types of queries. Bucketing is a way of organizing data in a table into more manageable parts based on the values in one or more columns. A bucketed table in Hive is a table that has been created with a specific …

Section 8:82.Created Bucketed Tables – Orders_buck and Order_item_buck Read More »

Section 8:81.Inserting Data into Partitioned Tables -Using dynamic Partition mode

When inserting data into partitioned tables in Hive, there are two modes to consider: static and dynamic partitioning. Dynamic partitioning allows Hive to automatically determine the partition for each row based on the values in the data being inserted, making it a more flexible and efficient method for inserting large amounts of data into a …

Section 8:81.Inserting Data into Partitioned Tables -Using dynamic Partition mode Read More »

 Section 8:80.Inserting Data into Partitions in Hive Tables

Inserting partitions, on the other hand, refers to the process of adding new partitions to a partitioned table. This is done using the INSERT INTO command and specifying the partition columns for the new data. Hive will then create the new partition directories on HDFS and move the data into the appropriate location. But Loading …

 Section 8:80.Inserting Data into Partitions in Hive Tables Read More »

Section 8:77.Creating Partitioned table in Hive – order_part with       order_month as key

Partitioning in Hive is a technique for dividing large tables into smaller, more manageable parts based on specific column values. Partitioning can improve query performance and reduce data processing time by allowing the system to scan only the relevant data rather than scanning the entire table. To partition a table in Hive, follow these steps: …

Section 8:77.Creating Partitioned table in Hive – order_part with       order_month as key Read More »