Month: March 2023

Section 8:86. Create Tables For Acid Transactions

To create ACID tables in Hive, you need to follow these steps: Enable ACID transactions in Hive by setting the following configuration properties in hive-site.xml file:; hive.enforce.bucketing=true; hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict; hive.txn.manager=org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.DbTxnManager;     2.    Create an ACID table in Hive: Note that when you perform updates or deletes on an ACID table, Hive creates a new version …

Section 8:86. Create Tables For Acid Transactions Read More »

 Section 8:85. Overview of Acid Transactions in Hive

ACID transactions in Hive support the following operations: Insert: Adds new data to the table. Update: Modifies existing data in the table. Delete: Removes data from the table. ACID transactions in Hive provide the following benefits: Strong consistency guarantees: ACID transactions ensure that the data in the database is always consistent. High availability: ACID transactions …

 Section 8:85. Overview of Acid Transactions in Hive Read More »

Section 8:83.Inserted Into Bucketed Tables

hive.enforce.bucketing   is a configuration property in Hive that specifies whether or not to enforce bucketing on tables. When hive.enforce.bucketing is set to true, Hive will ensure that tables are created with the specified bucketing scheme and that data is inserted into the correct buckets. There are several ways to insert data into a bucketed …

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ection 8:82.Created Bucketed Tables – Orders_buck and Order_item_buck

Bucketing is a technique used in Apache Hive to optimize the performance of certain types of queries. Bucketing is a way of organizing data in a table into more manageable parts based on the values in one or more columns. A bucketed table in Hive is a table that has been created with a specific …

ection 8:82.Created Bucketed Tables – Orders_buck and Order_item_buck Read More »

Section 8:82.Created Bucketed Tables – Orders_buck and Order_item_buck

Bucketing is a technique used in Apache Hive to optimize the performance of certain types of queries. Bucketing is a way of organizing data in a table into more manageable parts based on the values in one or more columns. A bucketed table in Hive is a table that has been created with a specific …

Section 8:82.Created Bucketed Tables – Orders_buck and Order_item_buck Read More »