Month: February 2023

Section 6:53. Creating the Database in Hive and switching to Database

To create a database in Hive and switch to it, you can use the following commands: Creating a database: CREATE DATABASE database_name; Replace database_name with the name you want to give your database. This command will create a new database in Hive. Switching to a database: USE database_name; Replace database_name with the name of the …

Section 6:53. Creating the Database in Hive and switching to Database Read More »

Section 6:52. Understanding Warehouse Directory

In Hive, the metastore is the central repository that stores metadata about the Hive tables, partitions, columns, and other objects. The Hive metastore can be configured to store this metadata in different types of databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and Derby. When you create a table in Hive, the metadata about the table is stored …

Section 6:52. Understanding Warehouse Directory Read More »

Section 6:49. Overview of Hive Properties -Set and .hiverc

Hive properties are configuration settings that control the behavior of the Hive runtime. They can be set at various levels, including the system level, the Hive server level, and the session level. Here are two common ways to set Hive properties: SET command: You can set Hive properties at the session level using the SET …

Section 6:49. Overview of Hive Properties -Set and .hiverc Read More »

Section 6:48. Launching and using Hive CLI

Hive CLI (Command Line Interface) is a tool that provides a command-line interface to interact with the Hive database. It allows users to run HiveQL queries and perform administrative tasks such as creating databases and tables, managing partitions, and executing scripts. Hive CLI is typically used by developers, analysts, and administrators who prefer a command-line …

Section 6:48. Launching and using Hive CLI Read More »