“hadoop fs” and “hdfs dfs” are command line interfaces for interacting with the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). They provide various commands for performing operations on HDFS, such as creating directories, copying files, and reading data from the file system.
Here are some common commands and their usage:
List files and directories hadoop fs -ls
Creating directories hadoop fs -mkdir
Copying data to HDFS hadoop fs -copyFromLocal or hadoop fs -put
Copying data from HDFS hadoop fs -copyToLocal or hadoop fs -get
Deleting directories hadoop fs -rm -R
Changing permissions hadoop fs -chmod
Check size of the data sets hadoop fs -du -s -h
These are just a few examples of the many commands available for interacting with HDFS using the “hadoop fs” or “hdfs dfs” command line interface. For a complete list of commands, you can refer to the Hadoop documentation.