Let us start with
- Brief history of Scala
- Scala REPL or CLI
Brief History of Scala
Let us understand the history of Scala and also few details about this programming language
- Scala is JVM based programming language
- JVM – Java Virtual Machine is the abstraction layer between programming language and underlying operating system
- Scala programs will be compiled into Java byte code
- Even though Scala programs compiles into Java byte code – syntactically it is very different from Java
- Scala’s syntax follow Functional programming paradigm
- Martin Odersky is the founder of the language
- It is founded in Year 2001
- Scala is open source and object oriented
- Architecture of JVM based programming language

- List of JVM based programming languages

- Consolidated view of JVM based programming languages architecture

Scala REPL or CLI
As part of this topic we will understand what REPL is
- Make sure to set up Scala as per this blog post
- REPL stands for Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop
- It is also called as Command Line Interface
- Python
- and many more are traditional examples
- It is interactive way of validating the code
- Once you hit enter or control+D in :paste mode, the code will be
- Read
- Evaluated (Compiled and run)
- Printed (output will be printed)
- Looped (will wait for another code snippet)
– to get the help of REPL
– to quit from REPL
– to see metadata of the compiled classes
– to come up with multi line code
- Here are the list of commands available