
Write To JSON Files Using Pandas

[ Write to JSON files using pandas¶ Let us understand how to write to JSON files using pandas module. We can use to_json to write to JSON file using pandas. In [1]: import pandas as pd In [2]: courses = [{‘course_name’: ‘Programming using Python’, ‘course_author’: ‘Bob Dillon’, ‘course_status’: ‘published’, ‘course_published_dt’: ‘2020-09-30’}, {‘course_name’: ‘Data Engineering using Python’, ‘course_author’: …

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Different JSON Formats Supported by Pandas

[ Different JSON Formats supported by Pandas¶ Let us go through the details about different standard JSON formats supported by Pandas. Here are the arguments we need to pass to read_json or to_json for respective JSON formats. orient=split – columns, index, and data are separated. orient=records – array of json documents (eg: courses.json) lines=True – …

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