Prerequisites :
- Cygwin for Windows
- Terminal for Linux or Mac
- Foxy Proxy Extension for Google Chrome
Install Cygwin Terminal (Skip to Step 2 if you are using Mac or Linux-based machine)
- Download and Install Cygwin from the following link
Tunnel into your Itversity Lab account using SSH from Cygwin (in Windows), Terminal (for Mac and Linux)
- Open Cygwin/terminal
- Use the following command and replace the username with your itversity labs username and with your assigned gateway.
ssh -MD 2222
- Then you’ll be prompted to give a password, copy the password from your lab’s dashboard and paste it.
- Now open your Chrome browser and click on the Extensions icon on the right and manage Extensions
- Click on open Chrome Web Store on the bottom left
- Search for foxy proxy and click on FoxyProxy Standard and add that Extension
- Click on the Extensions icon and click on options for the foxy proxy
- Click on add new proxy
- Under proxy details select SOCKS proxy and give the host localhost and port as the port you mentioned in the ssh command (in our case 2222)
- Give a name LABS to your foxy in general and click on save
- Now click on the foxy proxy icon under extensions and click on use proxy profile for all URLs
- Now open a new terminal and search for
Now you Should be able to open Resource Manager.