As we have basic knowledge of how to create Data Frames or Data Sets, now let us explore some key APIs to Create Data Frames Dynamically as well as to process the Data.
List of Important APIs
Creating Data Frame Dynamically
Data Frame Native Operations – Overview
Spark SQL – Overview
Saving Data Frames into Files – Overview
List of Important APIs
Let us explore the important packages which provide APIs to create, process as well as write Data Frames or Data Sets.
We have already seen to read the data
We also have write APIs on top of Data Frames which can be used to save Data Frame to underlying File System.
org.apache.spark.sql have several other APIs for different purposes.
org.apache.spark.sql.types for pre-defined types or to create schemas dynamically.
org.apache.spark.sql.functions for pre-defined functions
createTempView or createOrReplaceTempView on top of Data Frame to register it as in-memory view and process data using SQL based Queries.
spark.sql to run queries from Hive Tables or temporary views or even Hive commands
org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf to create User Defined Functions for Data Frame Operations.
spark.register.udf to register standard Scala Functions as SQL functions.
Creating Data Frame Dynamically
Let us see how we can use StructTypes to create Data Frame dynamically based upon control files.
Many times we will get metadata about data in the form of control files.
Control files will have information such as column names, Data Types etc.
We need to create fields in Data Frame dynamically using column names and Data Types provided as part of control files.
The process is divided into two steps
Create Schema
Create Data Frame using Schema
Creating a Schema
Here are the steps involved in creating Schema by using metadata from control files.
Load data from a file into Scala collection
Build an array of fields using StructField with column name and Data Type
Using the array we can build StructType
Also, we need to read data from files and then apply the map to build RDD of Row type for each record with attributes.
Then we can use spark.createDataFrame to create Data Frame programmatically by passing RDD of records of type Row and StructType
Creating Data Frame Dynamically
Let us see how we can create Data Frame after defining the Schema using metadata.
Read the data from the file – orders
Apply the necessary transformation to create RDD of type Row with four fields using map.
Convert into dataframe using spark.createDataFrame. It take RDD and schema as arguments.
RDD will be converted to Data Frame using Schema defined.
Data Frame Native Operations – Overview
As we have seen how to create Data Frames from files, RDD etc., let us get into the high-level details of Data Frame Native Operations. We can perform all standard transformations using Data Frame Operations.
Previewing Schema and Data – printSchema and show
Row-level transformations – using select, withColumn
Filtering the Data – filter or where. We can pass filtering either by using SQL style syntax or Data Frame Native Syntax.
Aggregations – count, sum, avg, min, max etc
Ranking using Windowing or Analytical Functions
Let us see a few simple examples.
Get orders for the month of 2014 January.
Get count by status from filtered orders
Get revenue for each order_id from order_items
Spark SQL – Overview
Let us get into the details related to Spark SQL. We can submit queries on Hive tables or in memory temp tables using spark.sql API.
We can directly run queries on Hive tables or tables from remote databases using JDBC and create Data Frame for the results.
We can also register a temporary table for a Data Frame and run queries against it.
We can perform all the standard transformations using SQL syntax
We can also run standard Hive commands using spark.sql, such as show tables, describe table etc.
As part of Data Processing, we typically perform these operations.