Month: March 2023

Section 12.144.Applying-Row-number-using-windowing-functions

In Hive, you can use windowing functions to apply the ROW_NUMBER() function, which assigns a unique number to each row within a partition, based on the order of the rows within the partition. Unlike RANK() and DENSE_RANK(), ROW_NUMBER() assigns a unique number to each row, regardless of the values in any columns. To use the …

Section 12.144.Applying-Row-number-using-windowing-functions Read More »

Section 12.143.Applying-dense_rank-using-windowing-functions

In Hive, you can use windowing functions to apply the DENSE_RANK() function, which assigns a rank to each row within a partition based on the values in one or more columns, just like the RANK() function. However, unlike the RANK() function, the DENSE_RANK() function does not skip any rank if two or more rows have …

Section 12.143.Applying-dense_rank-using-windowing-functions Read More »

Section 12.141.Getting-First-value-and-Last-value-using-Windowing-functions in hive

In Hive, you can use windowing functions to get the first and last values of a column. The first_value() function returns the value of a column in the first row of the current row’s partition, and the last_value() function returns the value of a column in the last row of the current row’s partition. To …

Section 12.141.Getting-First-value-and-Last-value-using-Windowing-functions in hive Read More »

Section 12.140.Getting-lead-and-lag-using-windowing-functions-partition-by-and-order-by

In SQL, you can use windowing functions to get the lead and lag values of a column. The lead() function returns the value of a column in the next row of the current row’s partition, and the lag() function returns the value of a column in the previous row of the current row’s partition. To …

Section 12.140.Getting-lead-and-lag-using-windowing-functions-partition-by-and-order-by Read More »